viernes, 5 de febrero de 2021

What is Future Continuous?

 The future continuous tense is used for activities that will be in progress at a point of time. The action will start before that point of time and will continue after it. The point in time can be given by time expressions or by other activities.

It describes the idea that an action will happen in the normal course of events. It refers to routine activities, not intentions, decisions or plans. 

- I'll be writing to you again. (I always write to you, so I'll do it again, as usual.) 

- They'll be leaving on Friday. You can join them. (They normally leave on Fridays.) 

- Everybody will be working on a computer sooner or later. (If nothing special happens.)

In the next video, you will find more information about Future Continuous.

In the next link you will find a Kahoot! Game to practice Future Continuous Tense:

👉👉👉👉👉👉Future Continuos Kahoot👈👈👈👈👈👈

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 Bienvenid@ a mi Blog, Mi nombre es Oscar Adrián Esquer Gama y soy Pedagogo, además me dedico a la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa. Te invito...